Equestrian reporting for "Letzeburger Bauer" and other media

Since mid-August 2021, LSN is covering equestrian sports for the weekly paper "Letzeburger Bauer" ("Luxembourgish Farmer") published by the "Centrale Paysanne Luxembourgeoise". The paper dedicates one page per week to national equestrian sports which we are very proud to cover!

Since 2024, LSN is also supplying Luxembourg's daily newspaper "Tageblatt" with reports on and photos of equestrian sports (a sample article can be found here). Do you have questions or do you need further information? Then get in touch with us by using the form below!

Luxembourg's first ever olympic rider, Nicolas Wagner. Captured by LSN for "Letzeburger Bauer" while training
Luxembourg's first ever olympic rider, Nicolas Wagner. Captured by LSN for "Letzeburger Bauer" while training

We've been accredited at such prestigious events like the FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Caen (FRA), the European Equestrian Championships 2015 in Aachen (GER) and the FEI World Championships 2022 in Herning (DEN). On national level we are proud to be regularly covering the "Réiser Päerdsdeeg".   

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